
时间:2020-10-01 09:59:43   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络

#美国大选# #历史上的今天# 1918年的今天,总统伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)向国会发表演讲,支持保障妇女的投票权。当时众议院批准了赋予妇女选举权的美国宪法第19条修正案,参议院正准备对其进行投票。威尔逊总统说服参议员的努力取得了成功,参议院于1919年6月4日批准了该修正案。

#OnThisDay in 1918, President Woodrow Wilson gave a speech before Congress in support of guaranteeing women the right to vote. The House of Representatives had approved a 19th constitutional amendment giving women suffrage, and the Senate was preparing to vote on it. The president’s efforts to persuade senators were successful, and the Senate approved the amendment on June 4, 1919.


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